In 2020, Citeo published a report announcing that in France, only one person out of two sorts their waste. Following this information, Lixo and Simpliciti decided to form a strategic partnership by creating Citi'Tri in order to help collectors educate individuals and improve their sorting practices.
Citi'Tri is a technology that combines Simpliciti's geolocation and bin tracking system with Lixo's waste characterization software. The combined offer makes it possible to audit the sorting quality of each bin at the time of collection. Promising, isn't it?
Because when we look at the ObSoCo survey of 2020, we see that 86% of respondents place sorting and recycling at the top of the list of fundamental actions for the environment. However, in reality, we are not there yet since 20% of waste is mistakenly placed in the yellow garbage can. At the same time, 3 out of 4 French people still express doubts about the sorting rules.
The two companies decided to join forces to meet this challenge. On the one hand, Simpliciti's geolocation and tracking technology allows to know perfectly the location of each collected bin. On the other hand, Lixo's waste characterization technology identifies all waste not destined for the bins and provides an audit of the quality of the bins. Together, this data allows collection operators to better target their awareness campaigns and measure the impact of these operations.
The solution has now been tested for over a year in the cities of Tarbes and Vannes. To date, more than 75,000 bins have been analyzed, enabling the implementation of more appropriate sorting awareness operations according to the different targets.
Marjorie Darcet, CEO of Lixo, says "By helping individuals to better sort their waste, we can reduce waste diversion errors. This improves the quality of sorting throughout the value chain. Better guiding individuals to adopt good sorting habits is a key success factor for the development of the circular economy."
According to Maxime Bérard, Simpliciti's CEO, more than 25% of packaging and paper are not recycled because they are not thrown into the yellow bins. These sorting errors represent a real loss for the sustainability of our resources.
The Citi'Tri solution is distributed to local authorities and private operators in France and abroad. See you soon in the bins of your city?